Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pre Obituary for a buddy that''s not dead yet

DUANES PRE-OBIT written as of March 2014

As the time of my life has gone on and I've related experiences with those that were there I've learned to preface my memories with "Well, the way I remember it was..."  The following falls into those parameters.

I have known Duane Warner since I was just about 14 and he almost a year older.  When my family bought a Dairy Queen in Ann Arbor Michigan about 1955 or 56, we moved there from the Detroit area and had a house built about a block away from where Duane lived.

Monday, May 26, 2014


12 O'clock High


When I was growing up I wanted to be a cowboy.  The movie cowboys of the 40's had morphed into the cowboys of the 50's.  The 40's had Johnny Mack Brown, Tim McCoy Tim Keene Buck Jones, and Bob Steele, even Buster Crabbe, John Wayne and Robert Taylor who went on into the 50's and beyond.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Older then dirt is a saying that I'm beginning to feel akin to. Today I changed out the faucet and drain in the bathroom.  It's only an exchange of parts, just the faucet and the drain unit. Piece of cake.

Removal of the old faucet was easy.  Laying on my back at the bottom of cabinet pushing into my shoulder, reaching up with tools to undo nuts took about an hour. Lack of the proper tools made getting to the nuts on the faucet impossible.  A sharp chisel took care of the plastic nuts.